February 10, 2010

Manifesto Updated

From Olivia Robertson
Co-Founder, FOI
February 10, 2010


Kindly add this as change from the last paragraph in The Manifesto, and for all booklets:

"The Archpriesthood Union, together with the Druid Clan of Dana and the Noble Order of Tara are Guardians to inspire the ideals of The Fellowship of Isis. All members are equal, and are not subject to anyone. All work with the Goddess - or Goddess and God - of their own Faith. Every Being - human, animal, bird, tree - element - is an eternal offspring of the Divine Family of the Mother Goddess."

Note added on March 4th:  This email was sent from Minette Quick on February 10, 2010 to all global centers.  Since there has been some confusion about whether this or an earlier version in the Samhain Isian News is correct, we have asked Minette to clarify with Olivia about which version she wishes our members to include on their sites.

View archived letter: Updated Manifesto