September 21, 2010

Homepage Archive - Updates

Oraciones y Bendiciones en Español

The Fellowship of Isis prayers have now been translated into Spanish and may be viewed here:
FOI Oraciones y Bendiciones

"Yo invoco a la Diosa Isis
y al Dios Osiris
Cuyos atributos son:
Amor, Belleza y Verdad."

Our ongoing gratitude to our Spanish translator, Maa Kheru Nen (Elena RubioLara) for this work!

New Photo

A lovely new photo of Olivia Robertson added to the Founders photo section, courtesy of, and our thanks to, Zoé d'Ay. It was taken at the 2010 Glastonbury Goddess Conference.

We have had some email problems recently, with our server not forwarding correctly.  If you have tried to contact us and not received a response, please resend. We have also added another email address to our contact page to offer an alternate when these issues occur.  Thank you for your understanding and patience!