July 22, 2013

Sun entering Leo

Blessings of the Sun in Leo! As usual, we mark the turning of the zodiac seasons and offer this beautiful temple photo of the Shrine of Sekhmet, Bast and Ra - as well as an historic audio clip of Olivia Robertson.  Please click to listen:

(mp3/50sec. /198kb)
Audio transcript:
"We remember that this is the eve of the Opet Festival of Ancient Egypt, as the Sun leaves the Crab, Cancer and enters the sign of Leo of the Lion Goddess Sekhmet. . . Sekhmet is the Goddess of the mysterious Lion power, which is within us all. . .We know now that the true constellation of Leo is one with Virgo, who is the serene face of the Goddess with the body of the Lion, the Androsphinx."
The shrine photo is copyright Minette Quick, with further information from Olivia: "I realise now that Isis is revealing Herself, through the changing faces of Her Temple, withdrawing Her Veil, not all at once, but Shrine by Shrine according to the Zodiac periods. This was comprised of the Zodiac Houses of Leo to Virgo. The climax was the Egyptian Harvest with the inundation of the Nile. So Hathor Goddess of Love and Abundance is shown giving a cornucopia of food to the hungry, Humans, a Lion and a Tiger. Fruit is shown given by the Deities, Sekhmet, Bast & Ra."

Archival Link:  Audio Gallery