March 20, 2015

Audio Highlight

Blessings to all Aset Shemsu on this Equinox, which marks the 39th anniversary of the Fellowship of Isis!   (see previous post as well) Click on the link below to listen to Olivia Robertson in this historic audio clip:
(mp3/1:39 min/390 kb)
Audio transcript:
"Rise into the air of the past, my time and space. . . Come to the land of Ireland, where all humanity is one and our widespread Fellowship has members in 71 countries of every race; for all are born of Nuit, the Sky Goddess of the Zodiac, whatever their language, race, or culture, or religion. Come back to the south-east corner of Ireland. Look down at a wooded valley. It is a veritable labyrinth of trees. Set between two rivers, watched by a mountain. . . Hidden within the trees is an ancient gray castellated Castle. From it, flies the flag of the Goddess Cybele - a castellated crown, which is Hers. This is the Castle of the Goddess!"

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