January 30, 2016

Olivia's Vision of Brigid

Olivia Robertson wrote:
"In the year 2OOO at midnight during the Summer Solstice I saw in full consciousness a 'Sun.' On 6th September this 'Sun' - large, cheerful, slightly flushed - woke me up and burst in a sort of explosion from my body. On the eve of my departure for the USA (Sept. 26), in full consciousness at night or rather early dawn, I saw an unearthly woman by my bed. She had hair like liquid gold cut in 'petals' and wore a white robe slightly flushed with gold on a part of it. It was what she was doing that was so strange. She was striking a suspended very long crystal with a rod. As she did so, I observed a mighty transparent column on her left side, and within it, at the beautiful clear fairly high note she struck, spirals of golden 'atoms' gyrated.
"Are we facing a new expanding twist in the spiral of life? Are we becoming aware of our angel selves? Brigid, striking crystal notes that affect atoms and stars, may furnish a clue. Ever rising octaves of sound and the spectrum show a way of finding the buried sun within ourselves, and hence in all that surrounds us. Many already are seeing turquoise-blue and violet rays. Others hear 'the hum.'  As to my own quest, it has led me home. I have discovered the hidden sun within the transforming fire on Brigid's Hearth."
(Painting of Brigid by Olivia Robertson at the Castle Foundation Center Temple, photo copyright M. Quick, w/further cropping by this website.)